The Society held its 2024 AGM at the Union Club Hotel on 18th September. The President's report was given by Brendan Mitchell and a Treasurers Report by Peter Woods. Copies of those reports are available on request. These were followed by a report on our web page by webmaster Mark Hassed and a social matters report by Peter Heading.

In accordance with our Model of Operation, office-bearers for the new financial year were elected by acclamation;

  • President: Brendan Mitchell
  • Treasurer: Peter Woods
  • Secretary: Taylor Fitzgerald

General committee members have or will volunteer and are not required to be confirmed by the AGM.

The formal part of the evening was followed by our guest speaker Rose Chong. Rose gave us a history of her interests in clothing manufacture leading to the establishment of her landmark costume hire shop in Gertrude Street from where she has operated for many years providing fancy costumes for the famous and not so famous clients.

The evening concluded with many of those attending ordering meals from the hotel.

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