Membership benefits
- The Fitzroy History Society is for anyone interested in the history of the Fitzroy area. You don’t have to live in the area to be a member.
- The Society conducts a lively program of events each year, including walks and talks. It also plays an active role in preserving Fitzroy’s heritage.
- Members receive a regular newsletter which advises of upcoming events, reports on recent activities, and includes stories about particular aspects of Fitzroy's History.
Our objectives
- To promote, encourage and undertake studies of the history of the suburbs of Fitzroy and North Fitzroy.
- To document, record, and publish findings for community interest.
- To promote the collection and compilation of accurate records relating to the history and cultural heritage of Fitzroy and North Fitzroy.
- To involve the community, disseminate information, and support the City of Yarra to make records accessible to members of the public.
Membership categories
- Student member $10 per year.
- Individual member $20 per year.
- Family membership $30 per year.
How to join or renew
In person
Please pay at the AGM.
Bank transfer
Please download the Membership form below, fill it in and email it to the treasurer:
Make your payment to Bendigo Bank, Account: Fitzroy History Society Inc.
BSB 633000, Account number: 151620127.
Make sure to put your name in the transaction description field.
By post
Please download the Membership form below and mail it to: P.O. Box 180, Fitzroy, 3065 together with your cheque.